Friday 4 December 2015

Soundscape Ideas

I had 3 different idea's for my Soundscape. I wanted my idea to be original and interesting with lots of different noises to present the atmosphere of the place I was recording. 

Idea 1
My first idea was to do a Soundscape of Brighton Pier. Being able to live in such a diverse place like Brighton I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity. I thought this was a good idea as there is such a variety of different sounds when you walk around the pier and this would be really interesting to listen to. 

What sounds are possibly heard on Brighton Pier?
  • Talking/Laughing/Shouting of people on the pier
  • Seagulls
  • Amusement sounds e.g. coins dropping, machine noises etc 
  • Rides
  • Screaming of people on the rides
  • The sound of the waves from the sea

Idea 2
My second idea was to record my Soundscape in a supermarket. I got this idea because I used to work in a supermarket and I remember hearing all the different types of sounds that are around you when you are inside one. I thought this was a really original idea and would give me the opportunity to mix lots of different sounds together. 

What sounds are possibly heard in a supermarket?
  • Crashing/banging sounds of workers with crates/rollers
  • Checkout "beep" sound
  • Self-checkout voice
  • People talking around the store
  • People asking workers questions
  • Possibly music
  • Opening/closing of the automatic doors
  • Sounds from trolley's 

Idea 3
My third and final idea was to record and Brighton train station. I thought this was a good idea because train stations are very busy places and there are lots of different noises that can be heard. Also, Brighton train station has a piano in it and I thought that would create a really different sound because you don't hear piano's at a train station.

What sounds are possibly heard in Brighton train station?

  • Sounds of the trains pulling away/coming into the station
  • Sounds of people talking
  • Possibly suitcases being pulled along the floor
  • Announcements
  • The sound of the piano
  • Various sounds of the food shops

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