Friday 4 December 2015

Soundscape Editing

The screenshot above is my soundscape before I began editing. It was just over 6 minutes long so I cut it down to 3 minutes.

The screenshot above is an example of adding delay to a sound. I chose to add the preset "Bounce" to this short sound clip as I liked the way it manipulated the sound and balanced it with all the other sounds.

The screenshot above is showing again, the addition of delay to my piece. I chose to repeat the sound of the till beep. I chose the preset slap back to apply. I did this because I wanted to achieve a longer delay time on this sound.

I then added reverb to a short clip on my soundscape. I wanted to make it appear echoey and also for it to be more obvious for the listener to hear. 

The screenshot above is how my soundscape looked once I had finished editing it. I cut some pieces out and put them on different tracks. I did this because I wanted to pan some sounds to the left or the right to make it sound more engaging for the listener. I also had to make some volume adjustments.

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